Please sign the consent box below.
  • I hereby release the PeGa Foundation, and their employees and agents from all liability from injury or illness that may result from my child’s participation from this camp. I certify that my child has been examined by a physician and found to be in good physical health and able to compete in all camp activities without restrictions. Furthermore, In the event that I cannot be reached in a medical emergency, I hereby grant permission to camp staff members to act on my behalf in case of a medical emergency and authorize the directors of the PeGa Foundation to act for me in accordance to their best judgment. I understand that the PeGa Foundation does not provide camp medical insurance and that I am responsible for any/all medical expenses.

  • 3v3 Team Entry Fee Product Image
    3v3 Team Entry FeeThe price includes a t-shirt for each player. 4 athletes max per team.
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